H. J. Wood (Ltd)

H. J. Wood was founded in 1884 by Henry James Wood, as well as his brother Thomas Francis Wood and their father Absalom. Thomas and Absalom were also partners in the Wood & Son(s) pottery.

In 1889, Absalom Wood died and Thomas’s son, Harry Francis Wood, had joined the company. By the early 20th century, he became the chairman.

Harry Wood employed Edward Radford, first as a sales representative but later as a sales manager. His hand-painted designs were marked ‘E. Radford’ but produced and sold through H. J. Wood (Ltd), even after Edward Radford had left the company in around 1930.

In the 1930s, the company suffered financial difficulties as a result of the trade depression after the First World War and was ultimately subsumed by Wood & Sons (Ltd). It continued to trade under the name H. J. Wood (Ltd) until the 1970s.

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