Scheurich Keramik

Scheurich was originally founded by Alois Scheurich and Fridolin Greulich in 1928 as a wholesale glass and porcelain business.

By 1954, Scheurich KG Keramikfabrik had been formed and production of their ceramics began. They employed famous designers such as Heinz Siery, who had also worked for Carstens and Ruscha. Heinz Siery was responsible for many of their striking designs of the 1950s and 1960s; these designs were refined for mass production, which led the company to become the largest single producer of the period.

It wasn’t until the 1970s that they started to produce glazes that are now often referred to as ‘Fat Lava’. This was the work of glazer Oswald Kleudgen and form designer A. Seide.

Scheurich is still in business today and is considered to be Europe’s largest producer of ceramic and plastic plant pots.

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