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Dümler & Breiden

Dümler & Breiden was established by Peter Dümler and Albert Breiden in 1883 in Höhr-Grenzhausen, which lies in the heart of the ‘Kannenbäckerland’ or ‘potters land’.

The company was initially known for its production of beer steins, the majority of which were made up until the 1930s. Stein production had ceased by 1957.

They were considered to be one of the leading ceramics producers from the 1930s to the 1980s, owing in part to their excellent quality control. The company would not ship items that had production flaws.

Their success is also attributable to their innovative designers, including Ursula Schönhaber, Paul Zimmerling, and Rudolf Christmann (who had also designed for Carstens Tönnieshof).

Dümler & Breiden finally ceased production in 1992.

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