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Jasba Keramik

Jasba Keramikfabriken was established in 1926. The name Jasba was made up of letters from the names of the founder, Jakob Schwaderlapp, and the place it was based, Ransbach-Baumbach.

The company was known for their high-quality moulded ceramics in glazes such as ‘Jaspatina’ and ‘Cortina’; rival companies, like Jopeko, imitated the latter.

The company employed some excellent designers, such as Cilli Wörsdörfer, who created decors such as ‘Toscana’, ‘Karo’ and ‘Verona’.

In 1959, Jakob Schwaderlapp established another pottery business called Ceramano, which focused on producing high-end experimental studio pottery in various unusual forms and glazes. Ceramano closed in 1984.

In 1964, Jasba Mosaik was established, after Jakob’s son, Alfred, had come up with the idea to manufacture mosaic tiles in 1956. This new company created a great revenue stream for the family and by 1971 they had wound down the art pottery division to focus on tiles. This business is still thriving today.

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